Monday, 13 July 2009

Easy Level 8 - Soppy Joe

Like many of the levels, you need to work out what route the creeps travel along first of all. Once you have done that, you can work out the key points for towers. Once you have started this level you need to keep adding in towers and building them up. You have to lose a few times before you can work out the optimal order for placing towers. The level may seem difficult, but wait until you get to medium and hard levels!

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Easy Level 7 - Ascension

This level is fun. The creeps can travel past towers more than once in different directions, and laser towers seem to be particularly useful - just make sure you build them up quick enough to keep the creeps at bay. And line them up well so they shoot straight along the paths. 40 rounds is quite a lot to get through - still I managed it with no lives lost.

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Easy Level 6 - Shoulda Zagged

So I'm playing every level of Geo-Defense, trying to complete each one without losing ANY lives. What I like about this game is that each level requires a different approach. You can't tell in advance what is going to work. On this level, the most effective strategy seemed to be wearing down the creeps with lots of blasters.