Monday, 13 July 2009

Easy Level 8 - Soppy Joe

Like many of the levels, you need to work out what route the creeps travel along first of all. Once you have done that, you can work out the key points for towers. Once you have started this level you need to keep adding in towers and building them up. You have to lose a few times before you can work out the optimal order for placing towers. The level may seem difficult, but wait until you get to medium and hard levels!


  1. Impossible level been trying for two or three weeks, tried following now your photos but still after a week of that no joy! It seems a retarded level must have to build in a perfect time and order and location seems kinda daft especially for 'easy' :-/

  2. Just tried it again and the method still works. The key is to spread the towers out along the route as shown. Then start to upgrade them. As with all levels it is important to find the right moment to upgrade a tower ie try to upgrade when no creeps are passing by if possible, as there will be a short pause while the tower upgrades - this can result in a creep's survival.
