Friday, 11 September 2009

Hard Level 12 - Rabbit Hole

Waves: 38
Lives: 10
Cash: $24
The creeps take their time winding their way to the final destination. I found that setting up the towers early on was helpful, then it was a case of upgrading them at the right moments to keep on upping the ante. Well, I'm there. All levels of GeoDefense successfully completed without a single life lost. It only took three months. Good value for a £1.19 application. Bring on the next one - Swarm!

And here is a slightly different solution for Rich to try.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. this doesn't work. I've done it EXACTLY as you say, and it does NOT work!!! I don't get how you managed to kill all the anti-bomb circle things with only three lasers.

  3. Hi Rich, what you need to do is get enough of the blaster towers up to Level 7 - then they can blast the anti-bomb creeps. I tried it again and found a different way with two lasers only - see the new picture above.

  4. Great tip! I didn't realize the blasters could damage the anti-bomb creeps when fully powered up.
