Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Hard Level 5 - Knit Knack Shack

Waves: 13
Lives: 10
Cash: $100

Hard Level 4 - Fall in Line

Waves: 20
Lives: 10
Cash: $47

Hard Level 3 - Blaze!

Waves: 30
Lives: 10
Cash: $40

Monday, 24 August 2009

Hard Level 2 - Angular View

Waves: 30
Lives: 10
Cash: $40

This is the revised version since the level difficulty was increased in the update. You have to stop ANY of the creeps getting past the first triangle. Otherwise you are dead. Thanks to nespodzany for his solution, which I have adapted very slightly.

Hard Level 1 - The Eye

Waves: 10
Lives: 1
Cash: $24

Unbelievably on the first of the hard levels you only get one life. You'll need to run this one a few times before you realise the optimum times and places to add towers.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Medium Level 12 - Tidak Apa Apa

Waves: 14
Lives: 10
Cash: $100

Tidak apa apa is Balinese for 'Never Mind'. Funny that. This Geodefense level took me longer to work out than any of the previous. Like many days. But then it is the final Medium Level. (Or was - there are now two more). Since the game was updated to 1.4 I have found a better solution which is posted below. It is important to get the Blasters up to level 7 as soon as possible as everything else apart from Lasers just bounces off some critters!

Medium Level 11 - Circular Logic

Waves: 24
Lives: 10
Cash: $50

There's a great tip in the intro to this level - double-tap a laser to lock and unlock it. So if you place your lasers to fire along pathways and slow down the critters enough, you can fry them with just three towers :). Very economic.

Medium Level 10 - Knot so fast!

Waves: 14
Lives: 10
Cash: $20

On this Geodefense level, the only towers that could keep up with the speed of the critters were the lasers. I tried everything else. Got there in the end.

Medium Level 9 - Good Plumbing

Waves: 24
Lives: 10
Cash: $60

Not too difficult for a Medium Level. It's nice that you get the chance to shoot critters several times with the same tower. Looking forward to playing 'Swarm' when it comes out.

Medium Level 8 - Bad Plumbing

Waves: 24
Lives: 10
Cash: $50

Build up the defences, and slow them down. Fun trying to guess where they will appear from next.

Medium Level 7 - Sticky Hairball

Lives: 10
Cash: $50

This is kind of fun and not too difficult once you realise that you need weapons that have a longer reach and which can catch fast moving critters. So I opted for laser towers exclusively and got through once more without losing a single life....

Medium Level 6 - Sneaky Snake!

Waves: 12
Lives: 10
Cash: $50
I used a combination of all the available towers. The critters needed wearing down early in their journey, although I also needed to place some towers near the last lap to catch any sneaky ones. It took quite a few attempts before I found a winning formula.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Medium Level 5 - Happy Thanksgiving!

Waves: 12
Lives: 10
Cash: $50

It was tempting to get very strategic with this Geodefense level, with carefully placed lone wolf towers gradually enhanced. Except that the critters kept gettin through. In order to survive with all lives intact, I was forced to resort to lots and lots of green Blaster Towers to wear them down. And wear them down I did.