Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Hard Level 5 - Knit Knack Shack

Waves: 13
Lives: 10
Cash: $100


  1. I only started playing Geodefense recently. I completed all the levels, then played Swarm through all the levels, and now I am on a quest to get through every level without losing a life. I have been successful on every level (often thanks to your help!), but I cannot get through this level without losing lives. The best I have been able to do is finish with 8 lives intact. I do not believe the strategy outlined here will work to get through the level without losing a life. Is it possible the difficulty of this level was increased by the developer at some point? I have searched exhaustively online for other solutions. There are ample solutions for completing the level, but this is the only one I have found that claims to have beaten the level without losing a life. Yet, I cannot duplicate it.

  2. Just completed it again, this time I didn't use a Vortex Tower, just the five Blasters. The trick is to get the first Blaster up to level 7 as soon as possible (by level 3). Then add in one or two of the other Blasters and build them up to 7 quickly. Add the others in until you have them all up to level 7, when it can't fail. Don't forget if a creep is getting too near the exit that you can tap on it to attract nearby Blasters.

  3. OK...I just managed to complete the level without losing a life, but my strategy is quite different from yours. I used only laser towers, and I concentrated them all around the end point of the level. I started by placing as many laser towers as I could around the end point and moving outward. I didn't bother upgrading anything until later in the level. Ultimately, I had around 30 laser towers, all very concentrated around the end point. Around level 8 or so, I began systematically upgrading the towers as money was available. The key seems to be to concentrate the towers and then spread the updates throughout them as much as possible. I don't think I had any laser towers above level 3 or 4 at the end, but all of them were at level 2 or better.

    Missle towers are too slow without shock towers, and the combination of shock towers and missle towers is too expensive if you are trying to finish the level without losing a life. Blaster towers work fine for the early waves, but they are simply not effective enough during the later waves. (This is why I think the developer must have increased the difficulty of the level at some point after your solution, which obviously worked at one point in time.) Laser towers provide the best balance of speed and power, particularly when concentrated. I hope this helps anyone trying to get through this level without losing a life. This one took me many frustrating tries!

  4. Hmm...I guess I was wrong about the difficult increasing then. I will have to try again at some point with your solution and see if I can duplicate it. I understand about getting the first blaster tower to level 7 as soon as possible, but I could never get through level 10 without a creep getting through with this strategy. It must be a problem with my timing on upgrading the blaster towers later in the waves.

  5. One you get a couple of Blasters up to Level 7 you are away. The second one I updated to 7 was the one just below the first. It covers a lot of the creeps' routes so can get them at several points. But your solution also sounds fun!

  6. I tried your solution again, and got it to work. One of the keys, as you mentioned, is tapping the creeps to change the focus of the blasters to any creeps approaching the end. The timing of your solution is very tight! Everything has to be carefully upgraded at just the right time. My alternate solution is not as precise, as it uses more of a "brute force" approach by overwhelming the creeps.

    This is what I love about this game: there are different ways to skin the proverbial cat, but it can take some real ingenuity to figure it out.

    Thanks again for the help!

  7. Awesome, I didn't know about tapping the creeps to attract attention!!!! That really helped me out so much, you have no idea!
